Beginning on April 23, 2021, Scholarship@Claremont will be available as a search option on the main search box on the Library’s homepage. By default this search box searches holdings of “Libraries Worldwide”; other search options include limiting to just The Claremont Colleges Library holdings, Special Collections, and the Library’s website.
Scholarship@Claremont is the Library’s open-access institutional repository. It includes research, scholarship, and creative works deposited by individuals, departments, and centers at The Claremont Colleges.
By adding this option directly on the Library’s homepage, our goal is to make it easier to discover and access the scholarship produced at The Claremont Colleges. Content in Scholarship@Claremont includes articles, books, book chapters, theses, dissertations, reports, conference proceedings, teaching materials, data sets, university publications, digital and multimedia collections. Additionally, Scholarship@Claremont hosts several journals, conferences, and open educational resources (OER).
Users can select Scholarship@Claremont from the “In” drop-down on the Library homepage, enter their search query, such as “computer science”, and be taken to the Scholarship@Claremont search results page.
For more information about Scholarship@Claremont, contact scholarship@claremont.edu. For feedback or questions about the Library website, contact librarywebmaster@claremont.edu.