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HathiTrust Digital Library & Research Center

A comprehensive archive of published literature available to everyone at The Claremont Colleges.



In 2016, The Claremont Colleges joined HathiTrust, a digital library partnership whose goals include preserving and providing access to digitized collections. HathiTrust aims to collaboratively build a comprehensive archive of published literature from around the world and to develop shared strategies for managing and developing digital and print holdings. HathiTrust has 2 platforms:

  1. The HathiTrust Digital Library
  2. HathiTrust Research Center 
HathiTrust Digital Library

The HathiTrust Digital Library is a catalog of both in-copyright and public domain resources comprising:

  • Over 14.6 million volumes
  • Over 7.3 million book titles
  • Over 403,000 serial titles

You can search the catalog for descriptive information (title, author, subject, etc.) about these resources or run full-text searches. Viewing the full text of results is limited to items that are out of copyright and/or in the public domain. As a member of HathiTrust, The Claremont Colleges have additional privileges:

Without Login With Claremont login
Search full-text of all volumes  Yes  Yes
View full-text of non-copyright volumes Yes Yes
Download single page of non-copyright volumes (PDF image)  Yes  Yes
Download full volume of non-copyright volumes (PDF image) No Yes
Search within collections Yes Yes
Create and save your own collections No Yes
Use of accessibility features  No Yes

*Chart adapted from Syracuse University Libraries

To access members-only features:

CGU, CMC, HMC, Pomona, Scripps, Pitzer, KGI, and TCCS faculty, students, and staff:

  1. Log in to HathiTrust by clicking the yellow button in the upper-right of your screen.
  2. Select your institution from the drop-down menu (each Claremont College and TCCS are listed individually), and login using your CAS credentials.
HathiTrust Research Center

The HathiTrust Research Center enables computational analysis of all public domain works and (on limited terms) in-copyright works from its digital library collection.

HathiTrust research center portal
HathiTrust homepage

Visit the HathiTrust Research Center Portal to create an account, build “worksets” of resources you want to analyze, and run algorithms on those worksets. Extensive documentation is provided. HathiTrust research center portal

The HathiTrust Research Center Extracted Features Dataset

  • This data-set facilitates text analysis using the HathiTrust Digital Library. While copyright-protected texts are not available for download from HathiTrust, research can still be performed on the basis of non-consumptive analysis of features extracted from full text. These features include:
    • volume-level metadata
    • page-level metadata
    • part-of-speech-tagged tokens
    • token counts