It is much easier to use Omeka if you have a good idea at the start of your project about what you’d like your site to look like and consist of, especially if you are working on a Omeka site collaboratively. Be sure to spend time drafting a detailed outline of your Omeka site before you begin to build it.
Your planning questions may include: What are the primary goals for this Omeka site? Who is the primary audience of this site? What sections will this site include? How detailed do I want my metadata scheme for Items, Collections, and Exhibits to be? The Omeka Planning Guides created by the DH@CC Team can help you through the planning process.
One of the most useful features of Omeka is the ability to add a robust metadata scheme to Items, Collections, and Exhibits that will not only enable standardization across your site but also allow your archive to communicate with external resources. Think carefully about how you will use this functionality. Although you can go back and edit metadata at any point during your project, note that it is much easier to assign metadata when Items, Collections, and Exhibits are initially created.
Simple & Standard
While you can experiment with a variety of useful Plugins in Omeka, Simple Pages and Simple Vocabulary are two of the most useful features you can add to your Omeka site, especially if you are creating an Omeka site collaboratively.