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Lockers are available for short-term storage. To reserve one, visit the Main Services Desk.

Using the Lockers

Lockers are available in the hallway just inside the South Entrance of the Library (across from Connection).

Short-Term Lockers

  • Check out for one week at a time.
  • Available to any user with a Claremont Colleges campus ID or a TCCL Borrowing Card. (Priority is given to TCC students, staff, and faculty.)

Long-Term Lockers

  • Check out for a semester at a time.
  • Available only to current students, staff, and faculty of The Claremont Colleges.

Overdue Policy

Lockers more than one week overdue will be emptied. Items will be held at the Main Services Desk in lost and found for one week (2 weeks past due date), at which point they will be disposed of or donated.


For more information or to borrow a locker, please see the Main Services Desk on Honnold 1.

Locker Policies
  • Any books or other library materials must be checked out before being placed in lockers.
  • Lockers should not store food or damp clothing to avoid spoilage and health and safety hazards.
  • Lockers cannot, at any time, contain any illegal substances, drugs, narcotics, alcohol, weapons of any form or other illegal objects or property.
  • Valuables should not be stored in lockers.
  • Campus Safety and library staff reserve the right to open and inspect the contents of any locker at any time.
  • The Claremont Colleges Library and The Claremont Colleges Services, Inc. is not responsible for lost or stolen property.